Constant Changes

As July began, so began a new wave of covid -19 cases in Hamilton County, where we live. We had all hoped the worst was behind us. Things started reopening. People were noticeably more pleasant to be around. But sadly, this more open way of life was short lived! Life at Lydia’s House had been getting “normal” again as well. We once again had all four rooms open and filled. But with the rapidly spreading cases in Hamilton County we looked to our new pandemic guidelines and determined we needed to take a step back. With rising numbers, our county

(Kind of) Accompanying a birth in a pandemic

By Bethany Kurtz, Lydia’s House live in volunteer Before the pandemic started I was honored to take a doula class. Little did I know what form that would take in a contagious outbreak.  In the weeks prior to the birth, before we were too concerned about COVID, Tiana and I spent hours sitting with each other discussing the birth. We talked about how we could make the birth of her baby girl go as smoothly as possible. Of course, implicit in these plans is that her mom would be there as her partner, and I would be there as her

On Hagar and Children in Need of Protection

by Meridith Owensby, Lydia’s House co-director I’ve been thinking a lot about parents this week, perhaps because Tiana became a mom on Thursday. On that day she knew great joy, the joy of having your child come into the world, and all the love that comes with that. Today Tiana has known the fear that only parenthood can provide, as she took little baby M to Children’s Hospital because she was having intestinal issues. In one week’s time she has known the greatest love and the greatest fear we can hold for another person on this earth. In today’s reading

Pentecost and Community

After months of quarantine restrictions, we were finally able to attend our first “communal” gathering. We had planned a Pentecost service for the date of the liturgical celebration – but there were more pressing things that needed to be done! The protests downtown were in full swing and we all felt it necessary that we let our voices be heard. BlackLivesMatter! Our first celebration of Pentecost 2020 was a call to be heard and understood, to join brothers and sisters across boundaries to communicate one message: Black lives should be cherished and honored, Black children protected, Black families celebrated. We


This year Easter came at about the same time as Ohio was predicted to peak in the pandemic. Thankfully, social distancing efforts helped us avoid the worst predictions but kept churches and normal holiday celebrations closed. In the midst of upheaval, the core community of Lydia’s House was still able to observe our own, intimate version of Easter. On Wednesday of Holy Week, Mary Ellen prepared a beautiful Seder meal with the traditional Seder foods. From matzo, symbolizing the unleavened bread, to tender lamb– the traditional sacrifice, to parsley for new life and horseradish for bitterness and suffering. We thought