November e-Newsletter 2013
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s….our amazing volunteers
The usual suspects This week, we’d like to extend a very special “thank you” to our regular volunteers at Lydia’s House–the ones who are consistently working, weekend after weekend, to help renovate the house and transform it into a home where women and children can heal and start afresh. These volunteers braved the heat (and the vast piles of junk) in the summer, and now are braving the cold (and drywall) of the winter, yet they always have smiles on their faces and are eager to help however they can. They make the long work day seem like minutes,
A Day with College of Mount Saint Joseph
Wow, two weekends in a row in which groups of volunteers from an organization have come to help us out during our renovation work day! This past weekend, we were blessed by the help of students from the College of Mount Saint Joseph. From finishing the refurbishing of our cupboards to cleaning out wood scraps, and countless other tasks, the students contributed a great deal to the progress of our renovation. Our new, shiny cupboards! Just think: all of this was in our garage. We now have so much space, we don’t know what to do with it!
Attic Renovation Update!
The attic of Lydia’s House as it was emptied. Photo courtesy of Julianna Boehm Photography Many of you might remember the Lydia’s House house when we first acquired it: the house, like the women and children we will serve, was broken and in need of a lot of love and caring. Indeed, when 2024 Mills was finally empty, it looked like a Goliath of a venture. The cracked plaster, dilapidated walls, and other signs of neglect made us wonder if the renovation would ever be complete. Well, we are far from completion, but as the drywall is hung
Floral House Community Lends a Hand!
Saturday’s work day at the house seemed, well, much louder than usual. This probably was a result of the increased number of volunteers this week: in addition to our regular crew of volunteers, Lydia’s House welcomed members of the Floral House intentional living community, who came to dedicate their day to helping out with the renovation. While dry wall was put up inside the house, the Floral House volunteers cleaned out the garage, sorted through furniture donations, painted cabinets, and brought new donations to the house. It was definitely a blessing to have the volunteers there to help clean