I was thrilled if a little shy in meeting Rosalie Riegle, a prominent writer and activist in the Catholic Worker movement. She shared not only a meal with us, but a lot of practical advice and illuminating stories. I loved how much she had to share about Dorothy Day, one of the founders of the CW movement. But I especially appreciate that it is amazing people like her who have kept the movement growing and thriving to the present day. Some of our community members were able to see her speak at Xavier University this week. In a presentation entitled
Kinship, Community, and Greg Boyle
This past Thursday, the Lydia’s House community (core volunteers, current and past guests, friends, and board members) attended a presentation by Greg Boyle at Xavier University’s Bellarmine Chapel. We were inspired by his call to compassion and particularly moved by his challenge to enter into kinship with others. As he said, service is just the entryway into the grand ballroom, and the grand ballroom is a place where everyone belongs and everyone matters to one another. He put words to so much of who we strive to be together. Our time with him was especially meaningful since our community read his book,
Monthly Worship: Episcopal Moveable Feast
On the heels of our successful Women for Women fundraiser on Saturday, about 30 people from around the city gathered in the Lydia’s House dining room on Sunday, September 28 for our monthly worship. Led by the Rev. Jane Gerdsen, a board member and friend of Lydia’s House, we shared in fellowship, conversation, and Eucharist. Each month, the Fresh Expressions program through the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio sponsors a “Moveable Feast,” choosing to dialogue and worship at various places of impact around the city. We were blessed to feast together at Lydia’s House as