In early July, we took a group of Lydia’s House former guests for our annual trip to Procter Episcopal Family Camp. Family camp is a great way for families to spend time together away from home. There are lots of different activities to choose from and you don’t have to worry about cooking dinner 😉. Family camp is great for multi-generational families, non traditional families and groups like us that think of ourselves as family, but aren’t actually related! Lydia’s House guests do not have to pay for Family Camp and we are thankful for the Diocese and Procter who
The Hidden Side of Volunteering
Written by weekly house duty volunteer, Joan Meyer I began volunteering at Lydia’s House through the Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC). How wonderful, I thought! A chance to give back in thanks for all the blessings I have received. Well, like so many times when reality does not exactly align with our expectations, this has turned out to be yet another blessing for me! I am the one who has so greatly benefitted from this experience. Lydia’s House was the best option for my volunteer work through the IVC because I work full-time and Lydia’s House, unlike the other places, had