By: Lyric Morris-Latchaw It is so surreal to finally be able to say that after nearly 4 years of drawing and planning, countless city council meetings, hours of community engagement sessions and volunteer painting, this beauty is finally completed and in the world. This mural means more to me than any other I’ve ever painted, for so many reasons. First, it is right around the corner from my home. It was such a joy to be painting for MY people in MY neighborhood; heartfelt thanks to all of the neighbors and friends who came by to say hello, bring snacks
In Gratitude to Lydia’s House
By Family & Maternal Health Fellow, Savannah Staten In reflecting on my time at Lydia’s House, I thought of a piece Meridith wrote in our previous newsletter. She ends her ponderings with “Only prolonged proximity provides the space for relationships to emerge.”. I couldn’t think of a better way to describe how Lydia’s House has changed me. Moving eight hours away from home, knowing no one in Cincinnati, required me to grow in relationships with others, myself, and my spiritual and wellness practices. However, it was not an overnight change. My elementary, middle, high school and university are all located
A Tribute to Anne Housholder
By Mary Ellen Mitchell When we first started Lydia’s house we had a category of volunteer that we called “Bread and Roses.” Meridith came up with it, with the thought that we needed a place for people that would bring both practical and nice things to the guests. A few months back I cleaned out the old volunteer folder and got rid of that job, thinking “well that never panned out.” And then I paused and reconsidered… actually it did, surprisingly well with one person, Anne. The term Bread and Roses—a Catholic Worker Favorite—has a storied history. It started in
Welcome Faith!
An Introduction to Mercy Volunteer, Faith Casella-Lopez Full Circle: through a series of developments that lead back to the original source, position, or situation or to a complete reversal of the original position When I discovered the potential opportunity to do a year of service with Mercy Volunteer Corp in fall of 2020, I had just started a new position with a wonderful community services agency supporting foster children during their supervised family visits. Since work hours were limited and the future held many unknowns at that time, I took the chance at applying to be a Mercy Volunteer for the
A backyard transformation…in progress
In July 2021, we purchased the vacant lot next to the Lydia’s House shelter. In doing so, we started a year long process of clearing out the empty lot and preparing to expand the backyard space behind the shelter. On the first of many Saturday morning yard days, the Bellarmine Youth Group came and helped us take out the chain link fence along the left side of the shelter. The Bellarmine Youth Group came four times, over the Summer/Fall of 2021, and made excellent progress preparing the yard, including, prepping the garage for a fresh coat of paint. During the