LGBTQ Youth Homelessness in Cincinnati

At a city-wide forum on July 22, Lydia’s House was glad to learn more about a national initiative to end LGBTQ youth and young adult homelessness in Hamilton County.

The Feast of Mary Magdalene

On this, the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene, we’d like to express our gratitude for Sunday’s prayer service with the Resurrection community and for all those who have supported us recently with monetary donations, volunteer hours, or prayer.  Recent donations have funded our washer/dryer and will also go to support a new Women’s Pastoral Ministry Internship this fall.  Especially at this time, we are grateful for the faithful witness of Mary Magdalene, apostle to the apostles, and we are grateful for the chance to regularly pray with all those who support our mission of serving homeless women and children.  Thank you!

Family Homelessness

The Cincinnati Enquirer reports on the increase of family homelessness, largely due to budget cuts.  It’s clear to us at Lydia’s House that the work we do together is more important than ever. Cuts Shred Safety Net, Leaving More Families Homeless

Patriotism and July 4 at Lydia’s House by Taffany Duggins

Hello All. I hope that everyone had a great 4th of July. I know we did here at the house.  For those that do not know, I am Taffany Duggins the new summer intern at Lydia’s House. Over the last few months, I had fallen in love with Lydia’s House through my role as a regular House Duty volunteer. I am now very grateful for this more substantial role. I have been able to see some great happenings here at the house over the past few weeks and have had the opportunity to be a part of those events. One

Welcoming the Stranger

The author of this blog post, Elizabeth Coyle, is a new member of Lydia’s House.  She serves as a resident volunteer and has committed to long-term partnership with Meridith and Mary Ellen to sustain life at Lydia’s.  She comes to us from the University of San Diego, where she served as a campus minister for the past 3 years.  Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, she is a Xavier alum and is happy to be back in Norwood after many years away.  In my three short weeks at Lydia’s House, I have been the recipient of generous hospitality in profound ways.  I came