Here’s a look into the Virginia Coffey Place apartments down the street from Lydia’s House. The first tenants are moving in!
Support our fund drive : Play Space for Lydia’s House families
Support our fund drive by April 12: Play Space for Lydia’s House families UPDATE: We reached our goal through crowdrise! That campaign has closed but if you’d like to donate to our playspace please send donations to PO BOX 128808 Cincinnati Ohio 45212. Spring has sprung! Do you remember the days of playing in your yard with neighborhood kids? Or maybe that is a memory you wished you had. Let’s give a few kids a nice, clean, safe place to play at Lydia’s House Coffey Place, a set of stable supportive housing for low-income women and their children. Let’s give
Winter Wellness BINGO Concludes
As the Lydia’s House community rejoices in springtime weather with walks to Ameristop for ice cream and plans for a backyard grill out, we also have celebrated the conclusion of Winter Wellness BINGO. Winter Wellness BINGO was created as winter grey days and holidays, often a trigger for painful memories, loomed ahead. Each guest and staff member was given a BINGO card with various activities to complete over the winter months. This activity gave a language and a framework for having regular conversations about practicing coping skills, building positive relationships, and engaging in healthy leisure activities. Staff of Lydia’s House