Halloween weekend was plum full of different events and fun times! On Saturday we had a busy day with two different things happening.
Here at Lydia’s House, we had middle schoolers from Good Shepherd Catholic Montessori spend the day with staff learning more about Lydia’s House and helping us out with some projects as well.
While some of our staff worked with our middle school volunteers, Grace and Ashley went with a group of Lydia’s House families on a trip to Gorman Farms. The weather was in our favor and it stopped raining just in time for us to take a tour! At the farm, we were able to pet horses, feed chickens, and pick sunflowers in the field!
We want to give a big thank you to Kathy and Sandra for taking the time to show us around!
Once Saturday was over, Halloween was in full swing here! On Sunday, Ashley and Grace had a table at the Norwood Recreation Center’s Trunk-or-Treat event where they handed out candy and saw lots of fun costumes!
Sunday night ended with a Lydia’s House staff Halloween costume party where we had lots of spooky-themed treats thanks to Debbie!
Our event-filled weekend concluded on Tuesday with Halloween Trick-or-Treating! Not only did we hand out candy, but we also had hotdogs and hot chocolate, which paired well with the frigid weather we had!
Thanks to everyone who stopped by! We had a blast and we hope you did too!