In September, after already experiencing the dramatic changes Covid-19 brought, we decided we couldn’t just sit around and hope for good times NEXT year… we had to make the last few months of THIS year count…as hard as it is! In mid-October we decided to do an outing. We contacted all former and current guest and scheduled a day trip to Kings Island. Despite the cold weather and apprehension (is an amusement park a good idea?) we made it happen. We made GOOD memories for 2020.

All summer Mary Ellen has been in the process of directing construction and volunteers for a new nature play space for our affordable housing complex and Azalea Montessori school. We learned that building a playground is hard work, but to our great joy it is finally finished. On October 23 we gathered in the play space to celebrate its opening and to thank all our amazing donors. The celebration was a complete success! The weather was absolutely incredible: 80 degrees with not a cloud in sight. It was so wonderful to see so many people celebrating a success, masks and all. At 4:00 we gathered to bless the space, with a blessing and a holy water sprinkle. We were grateful that we got to host an opening, albeit a small one, knowing that as winter comes gatherings of any sort won’t be possible.

So, from week to week we have just been finding small joys to make this time pass by. We are glad we have donors, volunteers, and friends that constantly support us even through a pandemic. We pray for all of your safety in this time and thank you for all your continued support!